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Musical Theatre Poster - Mary Poppins Jr.

Mary Poppins jr Poster landscape

Millais School Logo Copyright WSCC

This Production will be held at the New Bury Theatre, Hassocks. It is a production by Millais School's Musical Theatre Academy. This was hand drawn and painted digitally in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. There is motion graphics outros available where the birds and kite are moving and animated (coming soon to this website).

Music Event Poster - Spring Festival

Spring Festival Poster
Spring Concert Poster V4
Spring Recital Banner
Spring Recital Square Icon
Spring Concert programme background

Millais School Logo Copyright WSCC

Considering themes of springtime, flowers are always at the forefront. This poster intends to work on that easily associated imagery whilst incorporating musical symbols such as treble clef and sharp/flat. This is playful and creative to link to the subject matter of the event which is children's musical performances.

On the right are the posters and corresponding artwork for the Spring Recital 2024. Including the programme's background and banner artwork for online use.

Music Event Poster - Winter Concert 2024

Winter concert poster 2024

Millais School Logo Copyright WSCC

This was the first of my posters to be made entirely using Adobe Illustrator. This has been designed to be whimsical and serene, without a religious focus (Christmas).

Musical Theatre Poster -Beauty and the Beast Jr.

Beauty and the Beast Jr
Beauty and the Beast Jr
Beauty and the Beast Jr

Millais School Logo Copyright WSCC

Inspired by the stained glass windows featured in the Disney animated classic, Beauty and the Beast. With vibrant colours that help the bright red rose stand out. Small character stained glass discs can be seen in the corners of these pieces.

Logo provided, and copyright ownership, by Disney.

Musical Theatre Poster - Footloose the Musical 

Footloose Banner V2
Footloose square icon

Millais School Logo Copyright WSCC

This Production is being put on at The Capitol Theatre, Horsham over two nights. The rehearsal and prep process has been ongoing for more than 6 months prior to the show performance itself. I've been lucky enough to be the set designer on this as well as graphic designer - check out my instagram to see my work on this.

Music Event Poster - Winter Concerts 2021 and 2022

Winter Concert gif
Winter Concert Social Banner
Winter Concert Portrait
Winter Concert Landscape

Millais School Logo Copyright WSCC

Getting in the festive spirit with these Winter Concert posters from 2021 and 2022. Check out the sparkly lights on the left hand poster, animated in Photoshop.

Music Event Posters - Carol Concert

Carol Concert Landscape Poster
Carol Concert Portrait

Millais School Logo Copyright WSCC

As with other poster designs, this contains elements of ink drawings which are scanned and digitally painted to create a more rustic styled poster. 

Event Poster - Halloween Disco

To create the textured effect of this poster I created a Lino Print which I scanned and digitally painted on and around to make this spooky forrest disco moment.

Music Event Poster - 'Moving on up!' and 'Reach Ever Higher'

Moving on up poster
Reach Ever Higher poster

Event poster for a concurrent years of school productions, showcasing a selection of hand-picked musical theatre songs performed on stage with colourful lighting and a splash of pyrotechnics.

The latter inspired the design for these posters.

Millais School Logo Copyright WSCC

Musical Theatre Poster - Legally Blonde the Musical Jr.

Legally Blonde Poster
Square Icon - Legally Blonde

Millais School Logo Copyright WSCC

Full musical theatre production of Legally Blonde The Musical (Jr edition) held on-site. This was such a rollercoaster of a produciton to work on but it turned out fantastically and is helping to fund further productions. I went down a more graphic design than illustration route with this piece, the lettering was heavily inspired by the broadway logo for this show.

Below: Personal Projects

Event Poster for 'No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group'

Barn Dance - Landscape Event Poster
Barn Dance - Portrait Events Poster

Watercolour and ink illustration accompanying the text provided by client (No Incinerator 4 Horsham Community Group) to advertise their upcoming fundraising event. I have a strong belief in Ni4H's campaign to protect my hometown, the local environment and the impact which an incinerator would have upon our climate and health.

Elderly Reminiscence and Loneliness Awareness Book

Claire Marchant - Memories Book
Claire Marchant - Memories Book
Claire Marchant - Memories Book
Claire Marchant - Memories Book
Claire Marchant - Memories Book
Claire Marchant - Memories Book
Claire Marchant - Memories Book
Claire Marchant - Memories Book
Claire Marchant - Memories Book
Claire Marchant - Memories Book
Claire Marchant - Memories Book
Claire Marchant - Memories Book
Claire Marchant - Memories Book

This project was inspired by, and in response to the objects from, the 'Reminiscence Loan Boxes' at Horsham Museum and Art Gallery. I intend for this book to open opportunities for conversations between older and younger generations through the ice-breaker of reminiscence imagery and writing. 

The Archive of Anne Bonny

Claire Marchant - Archive
Claire Marchant - Archive
Claire Marchant - Archive
Claire Marchant - Archive
Claire Marchant - Archive
Claire Marchant - Archive
Claire Marchant - Archive

By combining a humorous take on historical events, places and people, this fictitious archive collection explores the life and lies of the little known historical figure: Anne Bonny. Traditional and contemporary production techniques were used including block lino printing, InDesign newspaper layouts, paper staining and laser-cutting for the archive box.

In these outcomes, I am striving to encourage younger audiences to ignite a passion for discovering female historical figures who did not make it to the text books.

To see the digital archive with fictional descriptions of how these were 'collected', visit:

Reminiscence book

Selection of ink illustrations used in 'Oh yes, that brings back memories'

Superstition: Risograph Print

Claire Marchant - Risograph Superstition

Risograph print created in InDesign inspired by the superstition that killing an Albatross brings bad luck to a ship at sea. This was made as part of a collective project of illustrators responding to different superstitions from around the world.

'An Alpaca's Reflection' - Children's book Illustrations 

Claire Marchant - Alpaca
Claire Marchant - Alpaca
Claire Marchant - Alpaca

These illustrations respond to a poem I have written, discussing the culturally significant subject of immigration. It follows the journey of a child migrant through the character of a young Alpaca calf. 

Dinosaur Postcard Series

Claire Marchant - Dinosaur postcards.png

Using my preferred media, dip ink pens, I created this series of postcards to promote my illustrations. Inspired by the fossil filled coastline of southern England, this narrative series shows a Palaeontologist building a travel size T-Rex. 

Penguin Book's Student Design Awards Entry

Penguin Books Student Entry
Penguin Books Student Entry

This cover incorporates photographic elements of the imagery referenced in the story. This cover was created in response to Penguin Book's Student Design Awards brief. 

Claire Marchant - harry houdini logo
Claire Marchant - charles darwin logo
Claire Marchant - personal logo

Logo Designing

I created two logos inspired by historical figures (first: Harry Houdini, second: Charles Darwin).  The third logo is my personal logo which I use across my digital platforms. It illustrates my love of ink, paint and nature through a sketched 'C' shaped moon and 'M' mountain. These were drawn in Adobe Photoshop and transformed to vector in Adobe Illustrator.

Museum Observational Illustrations

Claire Marchant - Farnham Pottery
Claire Marchant - Farnham Pottery
Claire Marchant - Farnham Pottery
Claire Marchant - Farnham Pottery
Claire Marchant - Farnham Pottery
Claire Marchant - Museum of Farnham
Claire Marchant - Museum of Farnham
Claire Marchant - Museum of Farnham
Claire Marchant - Museum of Farnham
Claire Marchant - Museum of Farnham

As part of my Documentary Unit investigating the Museum of Farnham, I created investigatory images using dip ink pens and watercolour in response to the variety of artefacts and environments at the location.


'Potter Around'

My final outcome from my Documentary Project. I had the opportunity to experiment with film, sound, animation and frame editing whilst working on this piece. This is aimed to raise awareness of small museums and the treasures they contain. Every time you potter around, you see something new and see a bigger picture of your local history.

Animated GIFs

Claire Marchant - Animation

Motion graphics are an increasingly important aspect of online content and promotion, and, as I enjoy making animated content, I decided to experiment with looping animations called GIFs. These utilise my passion for creating textured illustrations by using: scanned rubbing textures, oil pastels and charcoal. I used 2D animation techniques and Photoshop digital editing to create them. The clown gif was submitted as a flip book for the NAPA competition in 2018.

Animated GIFs

Location Navigation

Combining ink and photography to document how perspectives change as an area is explored; focusing on a walled courtyard and its busy surrounding corridors.

Location Navigation

Digital Painting - Concept Art

Claire Marchant - Digital Concept Art Ko
Claire Marchant - Digital Concept Art Pe
Claire Marchant - Digital Concept Art Ne
Claire Marchant - Digital Concept Art Pe

With a brief to create one historical and one contemporary concept art digital painting of different locations, I chose Kotor (where I had visited) and New York City (where I one day hope to visit). Included here are the base perspective lines I used as reference throughout the process.

Book Cover Designing

Claire Marchant - Book Cover Design
Claire Marchant - Book Cover Design

Inspired by the television show 'Castle' which I love, I re-designed their accompanying crime/mystery book cover using the maps of its setting (New York City) as a basis.

Digital Photo Montage

Claire Marchant - War Cylce
Claire Marchant -One in the Millions
Claire Marchant - Street Remembrance
Claire Marchant - King's Coronation

In my self-titled photography project 'Contrasts' I explored the contrast between remembrance, representation and experience. These images are a combination of my own poppy display photographs and my Grandad's photographs, documents and medals that he was awarded for his service in World War II. This was a deeply personal project and I felt I gained a greater understanding of my family member's experience of the War as well as finding a way to express the solemn remembrance experienced my myself and many others today.

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